Black and White Spring Forward Sale March 11, 2017

 Mark Your Calendar for the Black and White Spring Forward Sale Saturday March 11th, 2017  –  Noon at Montgomery Stockyard

Over 65 two year old bulls selling and 23 Registered Charolais Females


lot 51 Lot 52 Lot 53.1 Lot 54.1Lot 55

In addition to our two year old and older bulls we will have five 17-18 month old bulls for sale at the March 11th Black and White Sale.

58 Rear view Lot 58

Lot 57 Lot 56

Lot 59.2 Lot 60Lot 59

Tn Cost Share coversheet

COLLINS FARMS will host our Annual Bred Heifer Sale at the Farm Saturday April 29, 2017. Watch for more information coming soon!

A few early videos of this year’s Sale heifers.

Click on these two links to preview our heifers.

IMG_7556 (1)  IMG_7557

Thank you to all our customers who supported the December Black and White Sale



 img_6113 char-1


THANK YOU to all our buyers who supported the  Arcadia Black & White Bull Sale November 11 at Arcadia Stockyard, Arcadia, FL

COLLINS lots start at lot 90 (Click link below for full catalog)


2104 503

463 1305

2444-2 1944 1884

pair  bw-pair


Thanks to all of this year’s steer buyers!

COLLINS FARMS Steers Sell in 2016 Piedmont Cattle Marketing Association

Our Home Raised steers will be sold in load lots in the 2016 PCMA Cattle Marketing Association Board Sale Noon CST Thursday August 18th.

The full Catalog of 16 truck loads of Reputation Feeder Cattle Enrolled cattle can be accessed:

Our Steers will be in the following lots:

1.1 Sandy Creek Ranch/Collins Farms

72  AngusX steers   Base Wt at 675 for Sept 20-23 Delivery

Video Links to Lot 1.1 IMG_4709 (1)  IMG_4961 (1)  M2U02698   M2U02700

4.1 Collins Farms

61 Angus Steers Base weight 785 for Sept 5-9 Delivery

Video Links to Lot 4.1 IMG_4707   IMG_4724   IMG_4734  IMG_4744   M2U02713

4.2 Collins Farms

67 Angus Steers Base Weight 725 for Sept 19-23 Delivery

Video Links to Lot 4.2 IMG_4710  IMG_4736  IMG_4742  IMG_4708 M2U02703

Genetic Merit Scorecards for each lot may be accessed at the link below:

Please call Jim Collins for Additional information 478-957-6572


Thank you to all of our 2016 Bred Heifer Customers !

Collins Farms Angus Bred Heifers Edited facing right  FullSizeRender (1) IMG_2642 FullSizeRender (6)

Open House Sale Catalog and Sale order. Cattle sell in Lot number order.

Click here for catalog:  Web Catalog April 2016Final Cover sheet Pricing and terms 2016

CLICK the links below to see videos.

Sale Group 1: IMG_2750  IMG_2761  Sale Group 2: IMG_2770  IMG_2774  IMG_2775

Sale Group 3:IMG_2793 IMG_2795 IMG_2799

Whole group IMG_2632  IMG_2627 (1)  IMG_2608 (1) IMG_2626  IMG_2666  IMG_4689

Sample individual photos of Sale Heifers:

3006 3006 profile 3006 by feeder Rear view 3046 and 3006 Group 3 3156 3133 3112 rear view3124 and 3112 3104 profile 3074 3074 rear view 3046 side view


STEER MATES to our sale heifers excelled in the feedyard. We recently toured the Iowa feedyard where one of our loads of steers were fed this winter. These steers reinforced that while we have spent decades focusing on maternal traits, our steers can still perform to meet what the feeding industry and consumers are seeking.

4219 Hfrs calf IMG_7635 Three   single

Our heifers grow into functional cows like these first-calf heifers and their calves below.

3 MC IMG_4336

THANK YOU to all of our buyers and supporters at the Black and White Spring Forward Sale!

COLLINS FARMS was recently awarded:

Certified Angus Beef Brand’s “Commitment to Excellence Commercial Producer of the Year”

We were recognized at the CAB annual meeting in San Antonio earlier this Fall.

Thank you to all our Commercial Heifer and Angus Bull customers who were a big part of us receiving this recognition!

Sat night Collins_1 IMG_4327 IMG_4854 Collins heifers 3IMG_9003